Timekeeper's Entry
Assembled to a towering 13.5’h, this 13’w X 18”d open-faced “pocket watch” is sure to be the WOW introduction! Providing a 6’w and 8’h clear walk-through, the white acrylic, faux aged fascia is inner-lit with soft-white LED’s, making the vintage-style Roman numerals a sure ‘pop’! The ‘pocket watch’ is also DOUBLE-SIDED, but done in reverse with a faux brass and copper housing and inner-lit ‘cut-away’ Roman numerals. Other details include the fully dimensional ‘stem-wind’ topper, and Jules Vern-style, faux brass ‘indicators’. Added arrays of large gears and cogs, steam pipes and valves, pronounced ‘rivets’ and several ACTIVE Edison bulbs are included. The total footprint is estimated at 18’ across X 2.5’d."